sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Solar Powered Racing Car « News

Solar Powered Racing Car

The œWorld Solar Challenge, the worlds the majority significant contest for solar Mobile, crossways the Australian desert in the north of Darwin to Adelaide leads. On Sunday, 22 international teams continued completely solar generators ready by means of high-tech racer in motion. 3010 kilometers from side to side Gluthitze now preceding to them.

On Wednesday reached the primary sun-powered vehicles crossed the come to an end line. The the majority quietest car contest in the earth won for the next occasion a Dutch scholar group. With 30 frequently and 54 notes was œNuna II, a new evidence and was an serving of food and 45 notes earlier supposed its predecessor in 2001, the œNuna. œThey now actually fast, inappropriately the intended Mark Olsthoorn the AP information agency so as to œit is hard to believe now how far one can approach by means of solar energy. I counting not contain believed so as to petroleum is possible. The Nuna II œreached an standard pace of 97 km / h.

The yearly everyday jobs as of the Technical Universities of Delft and Rotterdam contain completely solar cars by means of the assist of former astronaut Wubbo Ockels and the European Space Agency (Esa) assembled. The higher solar cells, batteries and high-performance plastics now originally urbanized for use in room contain person's name designed. BBC obtainable so as to the similar batteries in the ESA room probe, Smart 1 œjust on the way to the moon are.

As yet reached next on Wednesday, the Australian œAurora and the come into view a U.S. side as of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the goal. Gradually, the remaining rank to Sunday in Adelaide predictable " transfer on how frequently the sun shines. The cars create by means of the primary rays of the day and go awaiting completely batteries in the dark allow.

For the ten everyday jobs of the German side Solarcar Fachhochschule Bochum is the put in the Top Five a resounding success, despite evils by means of the landing cog and the solar generator to be faced. œHans Go is the next growth of a solar-powered cars, the University of Applied Sciences in collaboration by means of the London South Bank University has person's name intended and implemented. œMad Dog II was the previous contest two existence ago to 16 Place. œHans Go reached a top pace of 125 km / h, it construct the solar-generator by means of a 2.4 kW motor efficiency of 96 percent.

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