Pixar information approximately the web:
Cars 2 News
- Two huge favorite concerning John Lasseter contain appeared in new days. Esquire published an extended profile, and Collider continue completely series of interviews as of the Cars 2 press day by means of a short Q+A.
- Cars 2 composer Michael Giacchino sat downward for an interview by means of The Pixar Times and Pixar Talk.
- Sonoko Konishi, a nature technological director at Pixar has a little voice fraction in Cars 2. Konishi was born in Japan, as long as a huge chance to characteristic in the film.
- CNET have observed the sole association Pixar contain by means of the makers of the Cars 2 video game.
- Pixar art director Jay Shuster talks plan in animation.
- In New York, Pixar are investment an autism-friendly screening of Cars 2 where the lights determination merely be partially lowered, and the sound not as loud.
- John Lasseter has declared the main power on Cars 2 has person's name the Bourne Trilogy.
- Two international Cars 2 posters contain person's name free publicity the film existence form free in 3D [via Pixar Times]
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